
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” ~Norman Vincent Peale

October 2015, the Universe kicked my a** down the stairs to give me a wake-up call.

A spill down subway steps caused a serious knee injury that forced my life to a crashing halt- what could’ve been devastating for a super active, self-proclaimed “Energizer Bunny” and dancer. But it often takes adversity to give birth to growth and change. We may not be able to control circumstances, but we do have control over our reactions, and the resulting actions we take that define who we are and the lives we live. This experience and the long recovery while bedridden forced me to stop, reflect on the direction of my life thus far to realize it wasn’t serving me and something drastic need to change.

In that time, I discovered my purpose is to inspire and make a positive impact on those whose path I cross, and especially to help others to realize their own power and their ability to create the life they desire. I truly believe we are meant to do the things we enjoy and make a difference now. If you want to make your dreams a reality, you need to take a leap into the unknown instead of settling for mediocrity or what’s comfortable, or blaming other people or circumstances for holding you back. YOU, and only you, are cause in the matter of your life.

For over a decade, personal growth and human development has been a lifelong education I constantly pursue, and has made a tremendous impact on my life. I am a graduate of the Landmark Forum and a believer in the Law of Attraction. I am inspired by influencers such as John Maxwell, Darren Hardy, Deepak Chopra, Zig Ziglar, Gabby Bernstein, and Jonathan Sprinkles, to name a few. Surrounding yourself with a positive, like-minded association and mentors willing to guide you in pursuing your life goals is vital.

I always am eager to mastermind with positive, ambitious people willing to fight for their dreams, or connect with those who are seeking guidance and a supportive network to create a change. Looking to link arms with a band of people who truly aspire to live a limitless life!


All my best!


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